Special Multi-layer Silage Films

Rhino Plastics offers a wide range of silage films, supplied from locally produced Silage films (up to 6m wide) and imported Silage films (up to 22m wide) from the Plastika Kritis Group, one of the largest producers of specialized agricultural plastics in the world.


Plastika Kritis was established in Greece in 1970, and today operates 8 plants in 7 countries, supplying over 50 countries around the world.


The annual output of Agricultural Films exceeds 90,000 metric tons. Plastika Kritis is able to offer unparalleled quality and consistency due to the fact that the company produces its own masterbatches and additives in-house.


Technology in farming is constantly changing, with Rhino Plastics and Plastika Kritis at the forefront of silage technology, offering better protection to forage and higher profits to farmers.


Making use of superior inhouse additives and metallocenes, are are able to now offer a thinner, wider range of silage films that are far stronger than traditional 150mic & 250mic silage films.



Product Range:

Product name:
UV stability guarantee:
Impact resistance:
Tensile strength:
O2 permeability:
115mic silage film
7 layer
35m / 50m
up to 22m
18 months
< 250
150mic silage film
7 layer
35m / 50m
up to 22m
18 months
< 250
Combi-silage film
black/white + clear
7 layer x 2
35m / 50m
up to 16m
115mic + 35mic
18 months
1000 +  120
30 +  25
< 250 + < 1000
SilO2Block silage film
7 layer
35m / 50m
up to 16m
15 months
< 25
Blend silage film
black/white or black only
3 layer or 1 layer
up to 100m
up to 12m
up to 250mic
18 months
based on mic
based on mic
based on mic
Ground cover
black/white or black only
7 layer
35m / 50m
up to 16m
up to 250mic
18 months
based on mic
based on mic
based on mic

115mic silage film

Very strong black/white multi-layer 115mic film, made with metallocene polyethylene resins. This is our flagship silage film product, used extensively throughout SA and replaces our 150mic film due to its superior strength and stretch-ability. Fully recyclable.


150mic silage film

Strong black/white multi-layer 150mic film. This product has a proven its quality over the past 20 years. Fully recyclable.


Combi-silage film

2 rolls, rolled into 1 roll. The outer layer consists of our 115mic black/white metallocine silage film, combined with a separate flexible underlay film which helps improve the quality of the feed by preventing the formation of air pockets.


SilO2Block silage film

The newest development is SilO2Block®, a 7-layer barrier film which limits oxygen permeation by more than 16 times relative to a standard silage film. It ensures a better fermentation and helps reduce spoilage, thus improving significantly the quality of the stored product. SilO2Block® is just 90 mic., nevertheless, it is stronger than a standard 150 mic. film. It is lighter, very flexible, easy to install and fully recyclable.


Blend silage film

Blend silage films are produced in SA up to 6m wide, and imported if over 6m wide up to a maximum width of 12m. Manufactured with a blend of materials, this is a high quality product at a slightly reduced price, available in black/white or black only


Ground cover

Used in the prevention of weeds in a greenhouse. Ground covers for greenhouses and tunnels are generally 8m, 10m or 12m wide. These are either black/white or just black. A common product used for ground covers is our 115mic black/white silage film due to the exceptional tear resistent properties and durability of the film.

5 Steps to producing high quality silage.

  1. CUT PASTURES EARLY – the younger and greener the crops, the better the sugar and moisture levels will be.
  2. WILT AND HARVEST QUICKLY – have the forage in a pit/bag or baled within 24/48 hours. Depending on your crop and storage method, aim for btw 30% – 50% dry matter.
  3. COMPACT STACKS OR MAKE BALES AS DENSE AS POSSIBLE – the better the compaction, the less air will be trapped resulting in a higher quality silage.
  4. USE A HIGH QUALITY SILAGE FILM WITH THE LEAST OXYGEN PERMEABILTY – the better the quality of the film, the better the quality of the silage.
  5. SEALING AIRTIGHT AND MAINTAINING QUALITY – ensure the correct sealing of the silage film, ensuring no air pockets remain. Maintain the plastic ensuring all holes are patched.

Why use a high quality silage film, and why maintain air tight storage?

  1. Bacteria on grass remains mostly dormant.
  2. By using high quality, low oxygen permeating films and sealing air tight, you starve the bacteria of oxygen.
  3. By starving bacteria of oxygen, you help to create the anabolic activity. (essentially the bacteria wakes up and begins to multiply)
  4. The bacteria produces lactic acid which brings down the acidity.
  5. It is this process that preserves the grass.

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